SocietalSystem ( StS )
Humanity's New Operating Complex

World Societal System Organization

Global-Local Societal Deliberative Crowd-Governance Platform,
projected to become fully operational towards 2030.

Leadership failing ?
No, more serious, techno-mercantilist and partycracy system failing !
The current coronavirus epidemy has, apart of many other phenomena, clearly proven
that the thinking, governance and  socio-economic development model of the last 250 years
has not only failed, but is putting the proper survival of the biosphere, and hence humanity, at risk.

A totally other system and structure have to be conceived and put in place.
About 10 years are left before a fatal collapse.
Global-Local Person-Planet Societal Systemic Transition Plan 2020-2030
250-Years Cycle Cognitive Revising Plan 2020-2030


In preparation:
World Societal System Organization Crowd-Construction Forum
The new local-global, person-planet societal re-engineering plan.

World Societal System Deliberative Societal Governance Polls
Direct online interactive polls on each of the 25+ items and subitems on the present page
and on all World Geo-Territories and Global Issues.

New, under construction.

SocietalSystem Transition Workshops Program 2020-2030
All items on the present page are object of one or more workshops of the program.

Aggregate Homepage.
Chaordic classification.
Interest group: perhaps only 1-3 % of population, bu probably enough to steer real societal transition worldwide,
if they acquire the technical training, tools, infrastructures and initiatives to put the ideas in practice,
gradually per town, neighborhood and village.
This is the objective of the SocietalSystem Transition Workshops Program 2020-2030.

Download the Table-Version of this page and on each section, do the Survey, Interact
.  > Publish your version on your Own-Domain Site
Download the Workbook-Version of this page
and on each section, do the Survey, Interact. > Publish your version on your Own-Domain Site

Take part at the World Societal System Forums, from within your Own-Domain

Participate in topic related World Workshops for Societal Coaches Training, and (re)start an exciting career
on a series of, worldwide, the most prominent needs of society, its societal transition,
acting within a global network as well as in local clusters.

All soon online.

Research, deliberation and implementation platform for the reorganization of the global-local societal governance system,
and its replacement, towards 2030, in parallel with the UN SDG plan, by SocietalSystem driven entities, documents, and operating dynamics.
In shocking times, only shocking proposals and projects are realistic.

World Geo-Territories Diagonal Navigation Page of Horizontal Pages Series
Horizontal Navigation Page Societal Governance Platform, World Geo-Territories
World, Continents, SubContinents, Fonias, Countries

0.1 We are living the end of both capitalism and socialism, both techno-mercantilist.
Together they resulted in the current stalemate of the environment and of human interaction, to the point of a titanic-type collapse,
driven by fake indicators as the GDP and stock market figures, applications of the clothes of the emperor metaphore.

Also the remedies are still trying to preserve the past thinking and acting. But there is still hope, since mainly 2 years,
a number of societally systemic-driven proposals and initiatives are taking-off.

Now, we are living the dawn of societal convivialism.

Keywords include: sharing, reusing, recycling, simplicity, natural, organic, local, vegetarism,
global inclusion and interaction combined with e-regionalism beyond outdated ationalism,
decent and selfrealizing work, debt-free and interest-free finance, real economy-related finance, zero finance leverage,
zero international meddling, higher mental-societal age ...
and central to achieve and maintain all this: local-global deliberative societal governance.
Keywords include: full transparency, beyond partycracy, zero-cumul political functions,

SocietalSystem features, on each of the given items, and hundreds more,

dossiers with modulable sites, workbooks, table-files, presentations and databases
to be researched, replicated, deliberated and implemented, with an optimum dosis of digitalisation,
being personal interaction defining all decisions and realizations.

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0.2 Demystifications
Much more than fake news, a wide range of concepts are falsifying the world's way of organization.
A selection of terms and concepts, most having originally a relevant meaning, are now completely deviated.
Examples: property right, human rights, growth, money value, ...

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1. The world needs, with top priority, 10.000.000 Coaches
for Local Societal Deliberative Governance, indeed real democracy.

Pilot Master Training Courses projected in Algarve, Portugal, Brussels and Namur, Belgium and Dakar, Senegal.
Other places, worldwide, to follow. Partners in related training welcome to set-up a standard program.
Practical data and agenda soon online.

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Soon online
2. Meta Crowd-Pogram 2020-2030 for a Societal Revision and Shift
of all Philosophical and Mental Concepts, Governance and Management Methods, Laws, Treaties,
Disciplines, Professions, Societal Sectors, Societal Entities, Products, Services and  Events.
Roughly every 250 years mankind lives a major change in the roots of its existence.

Since about 1750 the world has lived an explosion of extreme techno-scientifical as well as degradation of the biosphere,
without sunstantially reducing war, violence and military build-up.
To the brink even of a total, titanic style, sounds almost satanic, collapse of the earth's bio system.

Now is the time for a new experience, this time a survival defining one.

Top of the revision topics: key-facilitators of the last era,
the twin Discipline Economics and Discipline Law,

both outdated, and btw since ever, based on a series of aberrations, say clothes of the emperor.
MBAs, Master of Business Administration, and Lawyers training and functioning,
have been and are still particularly societally deviating, read destructive.

Other topics for research and reorientation: the replacement of outdated binomies
as private-public or left-right ideologies, and political parties, by 'societal', etc.

From Rouseau's 1762 Contrat Social towards a Societal Interaction Complex.

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3. Societal globalization, a higher mental-societal age for humankind.
Towards the perception that any locality is part of the whole earth's biosphere, linked to any other locality.
and that any human being is part of  the whole of humanity.
Denying both, still worldwide dominant in politics, business and personal way of life, is the manifestation of a 3-5 years old child's mental/societal age,
the holistic root of most person-planet problems of our time.

In preparation
Mental-Societal Age Index

SocietalSystem prepares a rating, research, surveys, deliberations and sensibilization plan on the mental-societal age
of people, entities, products, services, events and geo-territories.

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4. Out of the black hole ...
Governance, say politics, seems to be the central platform of the world's societal organization, locally to globally.
It also seems to became society's weakest component, least coherent and most subject to conflicting influences and manipulation.
Indeed, politics, as practiced now, specially party politics, whatever their ideology, became the black hole of society.
Unfortunately, most alternatives or oppositions seem to rather reinforce the dominant model, as they lack "societally systemic" * proposals or mechanisms.

, as its name indicates, proposes a thinking model for a new societal organization system, to be deliberated by anyone concerned.

To put the project in practice, an extensive societal deliberations workshops program is being prepared for organization in the Algarve Region, Portugal
and gradually to be replicated, be it adapted, worldwide.

Objective is to reach a viable societal organization matrix towards 2025,
and implement the main structures and mechanisms towards 2030,

avoiding a point of no return for the survival of the biosphere and humanity.

The whole StS-Program 2020-2030 runs parallel with the UN 2030 SDG Program,
for which a modulable platform is developpend within StS.

An analogue platform is constructed for the UN Climate Change Initiative,
one only of the planet's major surviving challenges.

The teneur of the StS-Plan is intelligent, open deliberation,
resulting in impact-proven instruments and initiatives, beyond academic theses

as well as protest actions and manifestations, although all these are important,
however missing effective down-up applications.

* Societally systemic = society organization project or measure adaptable and
replicable, simultaneously, worldwide
cfr pc-operating system or internet protocol.

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5. Systemic Societal Governance Root-Proposals 2020-2030
Series of top priority, some chocking, proposals and projects for gradually establishing a culture of deliberative governance
and the conditions for a viable and inclusive society and way of life model.
The ensemble and each of the items is being send through a permanent global-local flow, cfr particles accelerators of
data, information, research, surveys, opinion polls, deliberations, decisions, training and implementations.
And this online, however mainly in real life, local conference meeting rooms, be it e-connected where relevant.

Top of the bill of global root-proposals, without which
any real economic, social, environmental and well-being effort, as well as democratization plan is effectless:

1. the replacement of the GDP as, false, quality indicator of the economy and economy growth by the Panergetic Index.
False indeed, as the GDP contains a gowing part of corrective expenses, say problem related expenses.
For the world as a hole, probably around 50 % !
Related: replacement of mercantilist prices by panergetic prices.
Idem for salaries, pensions, profit of enterprises, stock market values, etc.

2. Declaring void all money that is not related to socio-economy, indeed evaporating all false, yes fake, billionaires, etc.
( contesting extreme rich-poor gap is falling in the the trap to recognize false wealth, kind of "clothes of the emperor" )

3. Cancel-forbid all forms of interest on money.

4. Citizens: not buying-consuming products and services that are panergetically negative,
currently about 50 % of industrial countries' economy.
Cfr. poor people stopping making excessive, fake, rich people even richer .
Extra: avoiding to import-buy products and services from countries that neglect
to take any urgent measures.for saving the biosphere and providing the whole population a decent way of life.

5. Deconstruct NATO and other military alliances, withdraw all military presence from all foreign countries.

6. Move the UN-Headquarters to the World Societal e-Resort, proposed in Portugal. See below on this page.

7. Replace the United Nations by SocietalSystem. In fact becoming the world's societal systemic body,
with real coordination power over all global matters, down-up deliberated and controled.
Soon more online.

8. Replace real estate property right by time-limited lease contracts,
with panergetic management obligation and control
Note: this has nothing to do with any form of collectivism !
Soon more online.

Related Societal Workshops 2020-2030 include:

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See also:
SocietalSystem Main Projects and Project Groups
More than 250, many of them deliberated or experimented in more than 10 countries.
Now ready to be operationally prepared.
SocietalSystem is looking for a Global Supervisor for each of the given projects or project groups,
as well as, gradually, a e-Regional Supervisor for each project per province, d?partement, pr?fecture, county, etc.
as there are about 10.000 of them in the world
Navigation Table SocietalSystem Main Projects and Project Groups
Preliminary stage of the list. Many links not yet active.

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5b. 'Green New Deals'
currently in discussion in the USA, European Union, etc.
Idem 'Climate Emergency Declarations', Worldwide

Relevant and necessary proposals, but no societally systemic basis, and still top-down initiatives.
No modulable instruments, no down-up deliberation programs, etc.

Cfr. excellent pc periphericals, without a motherboard.
Note: there are worldwide thousands of very important local transition initiatives,
but they are dispersed and too individualistic, not enough connected.

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In preparation, to be operational from december 2019,
beyond opposition, mass manifestations and current democracy alternatives:

6. StS-Parallels Plan 2020-2030
for Local-Global Societal Public Governance
Research, Deliberations and Implementation Program for the societally systemic replacement or steering
of all major Local-Global Public Documents, Decisions, Laws, Initiatives, Entities, Political Parties and Action Groups,
Elected Reponsables and Public Officers.
Interventions upon political elections is part of the program as well, starting with the European Parliament Elections of May 2024
The program will gradually cover all the world's 300.000+ Municipalities, 10.000+ Provinces and the likes,
200 Countries and dozens of International Public Organizations

All documents are standard StS-Codified and outlayed, modulable and easily replicable, as well as 3D cross-over linkable.
Citizens worldwide can directly take part in the process through their Personal Own-Domain Site,
idem for schools, associations and enterprises through their Professional Own-Domain Sites.
Note: SocietalSystem does not use or link to "social networks", only to own-domain sites.

  Download Table-file Preliminary Selection Open Data Documents for StS-Parallel Plans to prepare
Similar documents are being edited and released for research, deliberations and citizens' interventions
on gradually all local to global geo-territories.
Table-File StS-Parallel for the United Nations Charter
Soon online StS-Parallel Documents, edited in modulable and codified form, cfr. the above UN Charter, on:
UN 2030 SDG - UN Climate Change IPCC - EU Lisbon Treaty - Brexit-EU Agreement 17.10.2019
Municipal Budgets 2020 Namur, Lisbon, Essaouira, Brussels Region, Silves, etc.
Governments Plans 2019+: Wallonie, Vlaanderen, Brussels Region, Portugal, Maroc, etc.

Administration Structure Public Administrations: Namur, Wallonie, Faro, Essaouira, Ouarzazate, Brasilia, etc..

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7. Societalization, transmuting outdated concepts
as Public-Private, Left-Right, Rich-Poor ...

Humanity is reaching the top of its uncontroled, unwise, techno-mercantilist and partycratic expansion.
A whole set of new disruptive concepts and practices is emerging,
beyond manifestations, protests and mass campaigns, generally still reinforcing the old structure.

Research, deliberations and solutions plans iin preparation.

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Under construction
8. Pilot Parallel Deliberative Geo-Territorial Societal Governance Platforms
Parallel Deliberative Societal Governance Platform, World

Parallel Deliberative Societal Governance Platform, United Nations
Parallel Deliberative Societal Governance Platform, UN SDG Sustainable Development Goals 2030
Parallel Deliberative Societal Governance Platform, UN COP26 Glasgow 2020 Climate Conference
Parallel Deliberative Societal Governance Platform, World Bank
Parallel Deliberative Societal Governance Platform, IMF International Monetary Fund
Parallel Deliberative Societal Governance Platform, NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Parallel Deliberative Societal Governance Platform, Europe Continent
Parallel Deliberative Societal Governance Platform, European Union
Plateforme de Gouvernance Soci?tale D?lib?rative Parall?lle, R?gion de Bruxelles, Belgique
Plateforme de Gouvernance Soci?tale D?lib?rative Parall?lle, R?gion de Wallonie, Belgique
Plateforme de Gouvernance Soci?tale D?lib?rative Parall?lle, Ville de Namur, R?gion Wallonie, Belgique
Parallel Deliberatief Societaal Beleidsplatform, Regio Vlaanderen, Belgi?
Plataforma de Governa??o Societal Deliberativa Paralela, Regi?o Alentejo, Portugal
Plataforma de Governa??o Societal Deliberativa Paralela, Regi?o Algarve, Portugal
Plataforma de Governa??o Societal Deliberativa Paralela, Concelho de Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Gradual construction of the same platform for all

200 countries, 12.000+ e-regions, 300.000+ municipalities and submunicipalities of the world.

Workshops for Deliberative Governance Coaches in preparation, starting january 2020 in
Algarve, Portugal, Namur and Brussels, Belgium, etc.

See also
World Societal Workshops Program 2020-2030

Algarve, Portugal

9. Global Corporates' Societal Clustering Plan
Along a movement for Parallel Governance, an initiative is evenly vital, the radical resetting of the functioning of global corporates.
One of them should be a societal clustering.
See also, above, the replacement of the GDP by a Panergetic Index and dito Mercantilist Prices by Panergetic Prices.
Soon more to follow.

Related Societal Workshops 2020-2030 include:

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10. Personal and Professional Own-Domain Sites+Sets
replacing gradually the commercial so-called social networks,
which are the contra-essence of democracy and selfrespect
plus, an enormous waste of time and generator of conflicts and fake news
Personal and Professional Own-Domain Sites System

All people and entities linked by the SocietalSystem Platform have to use their own-domain site.
StS does not link to social networks.

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11. Societal Governance Entities

Table-File World Countries and Regions Societal Governance Entities
Local StS-Centers, Network per e-Region
Local Citizens StS-Workgroups, Network per e-Region

Members with Personal Own-Domain Site

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12. World Societal Governance WatchBoard
Table-File World Geo-Territories Geo-Politics WatchBoard
Table-File World Societal Sectors and SubSectors Geo-Politics WatchBoard
Elections, Summits, Official Visits, Treaties, Conflicts, Manifestations, ...
SocietalSystem-Analyses, Proposals and Interventions
Monthly Reports. Gradually, Weekly and Daily Reports

Information welcome.
Same file models applied per Geo-Territory, as World Regions, Countries and e-Regions.
The whole set of data soon into one multicrateria database.

Correspondents per continent, country and region welcome.

Soon online.
Complementary world watch tools include: Earth Alerts

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13. eGloc, Local-Global Societal Currency Project
Driving the real economy, debt-free, interest-free.
For non-speculative, local socio-economy transactions and societal investment.
To be integreted into Personal and Professional Own-Domains.
Complementary to official currencies.
Soon online

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14. (S)Elections 2020-2030 Plan
Table-File World Countries and Regions Elections 2020-2030 with StS-Intervention proposals
(S)Elections are the StS-proposed method for deliberative democracy and elections,
based on a permanent program of citizens' steered
street surveys and analyses,
leading to systemic solutions for regional and local societal organization in general
and inclusive and sustainable socio-economy in particular
Differences with conventional elections include that the programs to apply after the elections
are those resulting from the previous permanent deliberations,
and elected representatives are committed to execute only those programs.
Changes have to follow a similar deliberations flow.

More, with this system, current type of party programs become irrelevant.
Reference: Wikipedia List of World Elections 2020
Gradually, all elections listed will be object of an StS-Dossier, possibly intervention program.

SocietalSystem is looking for Research-Editors and Coaches
for developping and coordinating Societal Governance Parallels, per municipality, region and country in the world..

Conferences, Workshops and Training Programs soon programmed.
Objective is to motivate 1% of the population of each local-global geo-territory to take on the challenge.
It could become the major and most effective transition movement in history.
Interested ?

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Platform under construction:
15. Gradually, towards 2030, replacing political parties by
Local-Global Deliberative Societal Governance Platforms

StS-Consortium "Parties"
Table-File SocietalSystem Consortium Parties, World Geo-Territories

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Platform under construction:
16. Citizens' Interaction, with impact, on World Geopolitics
Table-File Citizens Interaction with Geo-Politics
Citizens can and should do much more than watching passively international politics passing by.
Much more than street protests and mass manifestations,
much more than academic papers or civil society's resolutions, which all of them are relevant, but way not enough.
See also: Table-File StS-Parallels for Official National and Regional Geopolitics
Table-File StS-Parallels for current World Actualities
including Middle-East, Brexit, Catalonia, US Presidential Elections 2020, 
Iran, USA-China Trade,
Climate Change, Capitalism Revision,
Lire aussi: Dimension humain dans gouvernance mondiale.
Assia Bensalah Alaoui, Ambassadeur itin?rant du Roi Mohamed VI, Maroc

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Platform under construction:
17. Gradually, towards 2030, replacing the United Nations
by a Societal System Global Governance Consortium

The UN is a platform, not of nations, but of states, of which most governments
are steered by global private and public sectoral bodies, even inside de Security Council.

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18. Why not, Transition and Climate Public Manifestations
with Personal Consumption and Way of Life Commitments
Almost all manifestations carry slogans for changes by governments and corporations.
But, who is consuming the corporates' products and services ?

Originally would be manifestations with appeals to stop consuming products
that are scientifically proven to be harmfull for man and the planet,
for example, "I stop drinking Coca-Cola and similar soft drinks",
"Stop smoking industrial tobacco ', "Use an Own-Domain Site instead of Facebook" etc
Soon related StS-Dossier and material online, with scientifical references per item.

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19. Key-Sources for Financing Climate Change Solutions
More than 50 % of all environmental and health problems and expenses do not need any finance !
It's simple:stop consuming disease and pollution related products and services !
And, only if relevant, replace them, where relevant, by sustainable, regional alternatives, which should generate millions of selffulfilling jobs
as well as drastically reduce de export of "profit", one of the major export items in middle and low developped countries.

Reminder: in e free market, anyone is free not to consume any product or service, and openly promote this.
Manual-Dossier soon online.

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20. Key-Sources for Financing Societal Solutions
1. Corporate enterprises pay almost no taxes, worldwide, anyway not in proportion of common enterprises and citizens.
So, one of the solutions is not buying products and services from them, or using them if their services are 'free'.
Examples: IKEA, Coca-Cola, Commercial Football, ...
2. .....
Otherwise don't complain about your taxes !

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21. "Democracy"
Cognitive concepts or terms change throughout history, often loosing their original meaning completely.
The term democracy is an example of that.

Democracy or  the "power of the people".

22. StS-Contacts Meta-DataBase
StS-Contacts List for StS-Parallels as well as for Open Proposals to StS-Partnership
Table-File Potential and Effected Contacts for Societal Governance Interaction and Parallels, Societal Sectors Outline
Table-File Potential and Effected Contacts for Societal Governance Interaction and Parallels, Geo-Territorial Outline
Files under construction, suggestions welcome.
Note: the given entities are NOT yet contacted by SocietalSystem, unless otherwise indicated.
Reactions on possible contacts will be published on the present platform.

Feel free to contact yourself any person or entity to be involved
in the StS-Plan
for Societal Governance Parallels and related initiatives and events.

If possible publish a report on your own-domain site. StS will link to it.
See also: Union of International Organizations UIA

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23. World Societal Governance Agenda 2019-2030
Page per month. Data per day.
Site under revision.

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24. Societal Governance related external References
not necessarily endorsed by SocietalSystem ( StS )
European Social Surveys, Exploring Public Attitudes, Informing Public Policy
Managing Information Chaos,

25. Related features
Evident complements to the Governance StS-Parallels, the
Personal and Professional Societal Commitment Open Declarations
and Global-Regional-Local Socio-economy Solidarity Networks
Soon on

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See also project:

World Societal Governance e-Resort
Thinking model of a global societal governance coordinating center, projected on a real area, in the Alentejo region, Portugal.


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Date: 03.03.2020
GSM +32 485 591040 GSM Portugal +351 96 0225049
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? SocietalSystem ( StS )